What would happen if you simply just decided, when you woke up tomorrow morning, that you would change the way you think about: your job, your boss, your organisation, your partner, your family, your friends etc, etc. Well guess what? It is as simple as that! One thing we all have control of is our… Continue reading Flip Your Thinking!
Month: October 2013
Be Bitter Or Be Better
Every one of us has gone through things in our lives that have tested us. Things that we thought were unfair, criticisms that were not called for, or tragedy that we were not ready for, and after the event were left with our own feelings and emotions and the decision as to how we would… Continue reading Be Bitter Or Be Better
Get out if you hate it!
Hate is such a strong word and I don’t like using it unless I have to, but so many people that I come across tell me how much they hate their job or hate their personal situation or hate their manager etc. So here is my response – Do something about it! If you don’t,… Continue reading Get out if you hate it!