Opportunity Waits For No-one

Stop The Guilt

Hi Optimistic Disturbers

Well, it has now been a couple of months since I posted an Optimistic Disturber Blog and this is not because I am lazy, but because I needed to retreat from life in the Leadership Lane, as I am sure you would all understand.

After 23 years of running Proteus, commencing as a start up company in a bedroom and now a national company providing leadership development across a nation, I needed some time to withdraw, reflect and get clarity about what the next five to ten years looked like.

During this time I had a break, I met interesting people who told me their stories, I wrote a book to be released in October and I developed strategy to take not just my company, but myself into an exciting new era.

When you have worked hard all of your life and pushed yourself to be productive and achieve your goals, the danger is that you just keep doing what you have been doing and hope that what has worked before will continue to work – but the world has changed, and so must we.

We always talk about change as if it is something that we can choose to do or not, and sometimes that is the case, but what I am discovering right now is that the change happening around us no longer allows us that luxury.

We must adapt or else we die!

For several years now I have watched as companies and people have dug their heels in and resisted the changes that have been put in front of them. Many of those companies no longer exist and many of those people find themselves in very different situations than they were a short time ago.

Why – because they were too stubborn and set in their ways to adapt.

So, rather than dwell on the inevitable demise of these people and many others who still have that mindset, I would rather dwell on the amazing opportunities that are about to open their doors to us if we are ready and adaptable.

I have come back not only revitalized and ready to step into areas way outside of my comfort zone, but have also had my eyes opened to a whole new world of global business and global innovation.

Yes, I did think when I went away that I may even retire – as if!

I did think that I might pull back a bit, but when you know your purpose and you absolutely love the opportunities and experiences it brings, why would you not continue to pursue it with every part of your being.

I feel so sad for people who have lost their way and no longer feel that passion, but every one of us can make decisions that bring it back – if we have the guts.

So, what I am saying is that I am here for the long haul, I still have many more things to achieve, and I want to spend the remaining years of my life in helping others rediscover their purpose also.

So Optimistic Disturbers, where are you at? Are you satisfied with where the future is heading? Have you really adapted to the revolution that is happening?

Are you happy?

Only you can answer these questions and yes, only you can know what is required to make these things reality.

Take some time to get off the wheel and reflect – because right now the world waits for no one, so if opportunity knocks – open the bloody door!

Des Penny

The Optimistic Disturber


  1. Well done Des! as Henry Ford said – ” If you always do what you have always done then you’ll always get what you have always got”

    1. Thanks Deanne and we all know how boring that would be. I am really looking forward to the next part of the Proteus journey – lots to be done and enjoyed! Great to hear from you. Regards – Des

  2. Agree 100% Des. So often we are caught up in the ‘doing’ that we don’t reflect if we are in the right place or even have the required brain space and enthusiasm to be adding value. Then we risk missing those opportunities for the sake of the devil we know. Reflecting on the ‘why’ is crucial, and doing the hard but valuable self reflection can give us the courage to try new things. I recently jumped into a new role and new organisation after 14 years, and am loving every minute of it (well almost every minute!) I’m motivated, energised and enthusiastic which is just where I want to be.
    All the best for 2016 and another great year of challenges and insights!

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